Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Chicken or the Egg of Dental Practice Management

We've all heard the age old question "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" Well... what does this mean when it comes to running your dental practice?

In dentistry you might say, "What came first, the dentist or the dental practice?" When we put things in this perspective, it becomes clear when looking at it from the practice management perspective, that we must start at the beginning - with the dentist - before we try to more effectively manage the dental practice.

What would this look like for practice management? Let's take a practice that is not meeting expectation or goals in any particular area whether in production, revenues, expenses, recare, new patients, etc. The first question to ask and answer is "What have I done as the leader here that has helped create these conditions?" Another perspective is "What have I NOT done that has allowed this to occur?" Often we find that just as with professional sports, when things are not correct, we must go back to fundamentals.