Friday, August 14, 2009

Marketing Don't Checklist

Don’t send out copy with spelling or grammatical errors.

Always proofread and use your spell check

Don’t show off how many fonts you have when designing a project.

Select only 2 – 3 fonts at the most.

Don’t wait.

Always ask at the end of a project when a client is pleased with the outcome for a referral.

Don’t be the world’s best kept secret.

Network, join organizations, write articles, blog.

Don’t sell on price. You won’t win in the long run.

Sell on value. What is your value proposition?

“Don’t make enemies….

Cultivate opposites” (Thomas Watson, Jr., of IBM)

A good enemy forces you to improve your company. As was the case with Apple and IBM — it helped Apple succeed.

Don’t try and do it all yourself.

Hire people who excel at what you don’t

Don’t forget to track what you do.

Important to find out which of your efforts generate the highest returns and capitalize on your successes

Don’t wait for the media to find you

Write a letter or article to the local paper.

Don’t ignore your customers

Write a bi-monthly newsletter or hot tips. Clip articles that may be of interest to them.

Submitted by marketing maven Angela Rutzick who can be reached @